Thursday, February 08, 2007

Schedule change for February.

The only change for February will be the skate on the 22nd has been rescheduled for the 21st.
Wednesday night for the same time9-10:30pm.

The Civic Center has an event on March 8th. I will be scheduleing a makeup day at the end of March. I was thinking the last week of hockey would could play a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Still working out the details with Neil and Dean for the LG vs Over/30 game on Feb 28. Just concerned about the lack of USA Hockey Ins and will K&K be accepted! I will keep you all posted. I believe we have enough players signed up for the game. I hope we can do this?

Please check your schedule and take notice to NO hockey at the Civic Center for the last week in February!
If any of you see Rick Cobello in your daily to do's , please tell him Thanks for the Times he played. Never like saying good bye to a Goalie!
Thanks Rick! I hope you had Fun!

Thanks Dave

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