Mark and Matt were HUGE in goal last night! After 30 minutes and no score yet for either team, they had this Goalie Thing happening!
Who was going to be the first to give it up?
Andy gets a breakaway chance to score on Matt and after 45 minutes of play the Dark Side scores! Sorry Matt! Mark Wins!
Hell of show boys!
So the rest of the game was like drinking beer! Once you break the seal it's over!
The Dark Side wins 6-3! Good Game everyone!
Today the Redsox win and the start of the baseball season has begun!
Redsox are in first place!HA, ha!
I thought I would share with you all why the Baseball Players don't mind traveling to Japan to start the season! See anything to complain about?
I just hope the sushi isn't BAD! Right Yankee's!
A Japanese exchange student sat in a science classroom, totally stumped at a question on the final exam.
The question asked: "Give four advantages of breast milk."
What to write? He sighed, thinking he could not use personal experience. Suddenly, he smiled, remembering some things he has overheard his mother say. He wrote:
1. No need to boil.
2. Never goes sour.
3. Available whenever necessary.
He still needed a fourth answer. He tried to put himself in the place of a child, but that didn't work. Suddenly, he smiled again. He wrote as the final answer:
4. Available in attractive containers of varying sizes.
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