Last Thursday the White Team whipped the Dark Side BAD! I think Mike W was on the take! I would call it a “Manny”! Ha, ha!
Monday the Dark Side strikes back and the butt whipping was as ugly as Thursday!
New Rule: When the score between the two teams reaches a five goal difference. The team that is winning will skate with four skaters! If the score continues to go up then another skater will have to come off! As the score differential becomes balanced then both teams can skate at full strength. I call this the Obama Hockey plan! Ha-ha!
Failure to obey this new rule will result in a BEER penalty on the winning team!
I call this the Homer Simpson Law! Beer me! Ha-ha
New Sub List!
Adirondack Over 30 Hockey Sub List
Subs ----------------Skater / Goalie --------Telephone #
John Einzig(Mon) ---------Skater --------------793-9752 C:796-2062
Scott Fitscher------- Skater -------------761-6668
John Smith ---------Skater --------------587-2331
Glen Laplante -------Skater -------------642-0589
Todd Mead ---------Skater -------------745-7544
Eric Johnson --------Skater -------------332-3644
Billie Ricciardello ----Skater -------------796-4319
Derrek Tuthill -------Skater ------------584-4849
Joe Mercurio --------Skater ------------747-5702
Mike Vittengl-------- Skater ------------744-3910
Greg Smotzer --------Skater -----------792-0727 C:361-1907
Pete Watkins-------- Skater -----------745-1919
Tim Brockway -------Skater -----------747-3207
Neil Rotman (Mon)----Skater ----------696-7046
Mark Shevlin --------Skater -----------C:339-2010
Pat Killian (Thu)------Skater------------361-1712
Dan Johnson----------Skater------------744-3126
Skip Brennan-------Skater-----------587-2009
Stan Vitouski----------Skater-----------638-8515 & 812-9889
Eric Fahlborg--------Skater----------668-5191
Mike Palangi--------Skater----------747-9845
Rusty Baker---------Skater-------695-5369 c:928-3770
Jennifer Sheldon -----Skater------(802)318-6078
Stephanie Purinton ----Skater ---- 744-8424
Mark Pepin----------Skater-------C:796-7274
Matt Scellen--------Skater-------798-3518,796-7959
Dieter Bloem--------Skater-------265-1866
Steve Young --------Skater------- 796-7522
Tom Baker (Thurs sub) -Skater---- 798-0037
Billy Rochefort ------Skater -----904-673-5402
Jim McMahoal -------Goalie ------------221-4398
Nick Vamvalis -----Goalie/Skater -------744-4655
Jason Harrris------ Goalie -------------926-8355
Michael Wehnau----Goalie -----------532-9624 c:524-8752
Tammy Loomis ----Goalie ------------761-0792
Vic Wehnau---------Goalie------------696-4505