I have meet with Jason Blumenfeld in person at the Civic Center.
It was brief and we chatted for a little bit.
The Old Management team gave us High Marks and Jason has commented he will continue to schedule Over 30 Hockey on the same nights and time.
He did follow that comment with a statement that his scheduled events have priority over the Over 30 Hockey schedule! Can you believe this guy! Come ON! HA,ha!
I will continue to check in with Jason and post anything of interest throughout the summer!
Spring has arrived and summer is not far away! Right Girls!
These pictures were given to me from Roger Clemens!
Apparently he liked to have a different Catcher in every Town! HA,ha,ha!
No wonder he couldn't travel to away games.
The Wife must have had him on a real short leash!
Roger, Roger, Roger, just what is a Fan to believe?